Help with job burnout and career transition

If you’ve just been laid off, you’re likely thinking that you need to update your résumé, start networking and get on your job search right away.

I’d be thinking the same thing if I hadn’t been laid off in 2016 and know what’s truly possible.

You’re smart, talented and highly employable today, next week, and next year. It’s ok to feel scared, or mad, or even relieved!

No matter how you feel, what you need to know is that this time you have right now is a gift not to be wasted. I bet there is something that’s been on your bucket list for a while, maybe even for years. What’s something that you’ve delayed or ignored because you’ve been putting your whole self into your job and working hard to be the best that you can be?

Yeah, you know that thing that you’ve really wanted to do and that could be really incredible but just never seemed to be the top priority? This is the time to go after that!

Maybe it’s a trip

Maybe it’s a career pivot

Maybe it’s a sabbatical

Maybe it’s watching a whole series again

It doesn’t matter what IT is, and please don’t limit yourself. Go big and then go bigger. Only you know in your heart what it’s time for right now, and trust me, it’s really important that you take the leap and do it.

If not now, when?

Go after it

You don’t need permission

You don’t have excuses

You deserve to do the thing that lights your fire.

You’ve earned it.

You have what it takes and I can tell you it’s exhilarating to finally do the thing you’ve been wanting to do. So what’s it gonna be?  

If you need help with job burnout and career transition, I’d love to support you.


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